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Director of Global Creative and Content for international conservation organization.

starrett-john-2017photocontest-Just Like Heaven.jpg
 Created Bezos Partnership Coral Reefs Virtual Field Trip, live streamed to 170,000+ students in classrooms in 61 countries and all 50 states.

Created Bezos Partnership Coral Reefs Virtual Field Trip, live streamed to 170,000+ students in classrooms in 61 countries and all 50 states.

The Secret Life of Coral Reefs- Promo

City Of Rivers- Nature Conservancy Magazine Spring 2019 promo

Peru Fisheries- Nature Conservancy Magazine Summer 2019 promo

 New York Times Magazine ad Climate Issue 4.14.19

New York Times Magazine ad Climate Issue 4.14.19

 Instagram and Facebook followers shared their views of climate change.

Instagram and Facebook followers shared their views of climate change.

Photo Contest promo